Our Experts Can Get to the Heart of Your Core Preparation Challenge.

The Remanufacturer’s challenge is to determine the value of their cores and increase the speed and productivity in turning those components into reusable parts.  As the life blood of the remanufacturing process the core is stripped, 清洗, polished and brought back to life. Hubbard-Hall brings decades of experience in this manufacturing process with a complete line of metal finishing products coupled with technical expertise.

What Makes 再制造 Different?


再制造 differs from traditional manufacturing in that it requires the knowledge of several variables that are constantly changing. Such as multi-metal substrates, unique part configuration, complex and unidentifiable contaminants. Hubbard-Hall has a dedicated technical team who provide process expertise in cleaning, stripping and preparing almost all metals, as well as configurations, contaminants and environmental requirements facing manufacturers.

Specialty 清洁工 for 再制造


A core should be evaluated to determine if it’s suitable to be remanufactured; after complete disassembly, components are thoroughly 清洗. This is where we come in, providing expertise in cleaning for over 60 years, it is critical to provide the right blend of chemistry to remove all of the contaminants while preserving the substrate. With the trend to reduce weight from engines and other components, 软, lighter metal alloys, like aluminum and magnesium require unique cleaning techniques.

质量完成 for 再制造


Our technical team has adapted our product line over the years to meet the many challenges faced by customers in metal cleaning. Having the products and the expertise to adapt the product line, puts 哈伯德大厅 in a unique position to supply the remanufacturing market. On this page you will find the top remanufacturing mass finishing products that we recommend. Need help choosing the right product? Speak to one of our experts today and finish with confidence.

寻找证据? Our experts share their tank side stories, via case studies, podcasts, and videos.

Take a look at we've Seen & 解决了

Remove Paint Without Damaging Parts

Remove Paint Without Damaging Parts

一旦油脂, 污垢, 生锈, carbon and paint are removed, the true value of the core can be evaluated. Mechanical means or blasting with various media will remove the majority of the remaining coating. 有时, 然而, special attention is needed not to damage certain metals, 比如铝, 铜合金, magnesium or other 软, 较轻的金属. Moreover, this same attention is needed when treating plastic and other non-metallic materials.

Need help finding the right chemistry and process to restore your cores?

Getting the right answer starts with asking the right questions. That’s why we’re here. 大家一起说. 1-866-441-5831


Process and Product Recommendations

再制造 Core Preparation ProductsCores We Help Remanufacture
• 清洁工
• Conversion coatings
• 锈剂
• 质量完成
• 油漆脱衣舞娘
• Rust preventatives
• High value durable goods
• 汽车 & 卡车发动机
• 开火车
• 刹车卡钳
• Aerospace landing gear assemblies
• 爱丽斯 & 涡轮发动机
• CARC military cores
• 合金车轮

水清洗 Options

pHRecommended Operating TemperatureRecommended ApplicationNon-Chelated其他功能
130-200°F浸泡 & 浸更清洁的 & de生锈er combo for faster cycle times.
Aquaease PL 9181490-200°F浸 & 喷雾Low foam at lower temperatures.
Aquaease PL 71412-12.5120-170°F浸 & 喷雾xEasily splits most oils & 低泡沫.
Aquaease SL 8012.5+140-190°Fx重型 & safe on multi-metals.

质量完成 Products designed for 再制造

pHRecommended Operating TemperatureRecommended Application衬底(s)设备
Lusterbrite CBA1-2房间温度.Burnishing, deburring, cleaning & 除鳞Non-ferrous metals不锈钢 & 橡胶衬里
Aquaease PL 91813+房间温度.Burnishing, deburring, cleaning & 除鳞黑色金属 & nickel based alloys低碳钢, 橡胶衬里 & 不锈钢
Aquaease PL 73511-11.5房间温度.Burnishing, deburring, cleaning & 除鳞黑色金属 & non-ferrous metals低碳钢 & 不锈钢

Paint Strippers Designed for 再制造

pHRecommended Operating TemperatureStripping Characteristic可溶于水Chlorinated Solvent-Free
Aquastrip ACB3-4
140-170°FBreaks bond, removes in sheetsForm suspension, requires agitationx
Aquastrip 120012-13150-200°F溶解Form suspension, requires agitationx
Aquastrip艾尔10-12环境- 180°F溶解xx